Here are the most popular questions we field about Simplify’s complete, all-in-one solution helping ASCs improve their efficiency and profitability. When I meet ASC staffers at a trade show or industry event, I always enjoy educat [...]
Now more than ever, ASCs are under pressure to remain profitable while continuing to provide a safe, surgical environment for both patients and staff. The COVID-19 pandemic required almost all ASCs to implement new processes and r [...]
Start a conversation with the average ASC administrator about reporting, and they’re ready to head for the nearest exit. It may be an integral part of operating a high-performing surgery center, but it can be time consuming and di [...]
Moving the most patients through the Operating Room(s) as safely and cost effectively as possible is job one for ASC administrators. Getting the right technology in place to improve efficiency is a big part of getting that job don [...]
As ASCs face an increasing pressure to manage business growth while keeping costs down and ensuring high quality care, more have begun to adopt technology solutions to address the challenges. One way centers are streamlining tedio [...]
Quick - what happens May 15-18 this year? Well, there's the Feast of St. Isidore (in Madrid) on May 15. And, true, Bike to Work Day and Armed Forces Day are both on May 17. While all of these are indeed celebrated every May, we’re [...]
Would you rather have a root canal or live with a new EMR implementation? Ask ASC teams and administrators, and they might opt for the root canal. In exchange for far-off promises of making everything “better,” they’d rather live [...]
According to an ASCA survey, 45%+ of ASCs are still paper charting. It is estimated that ASCs spend up to $7 on materials to build a paper chart. Multiply that by an annual case count and it adds up - fast. By how much? Based on a [...]
According to an International Data Corporation report last year, healthcare data is projected to grow by 36 percent through 2025 — faster than manufacturing, financial services or media data. Once known primarily as “Big Data,” to [...]